

All about phone

This article is taken from here. Just want to share the info(s) =)

Dalam mencari handphone ni, banyak juga aku discover pasal technology. Ada yang agak 'gila2' tapi awesome beb. So aku saja buat entry ni sebab nak share dengan semua tentang tech yang ada kaitan dengan handphone. Banyak ilmu yang kita tak tahu, well aku actually, seperti SIM tu adalah singkatan bagi Subscriber Identity Module =)

Smartphone, Feature phone & Basic phone. Not to forget Apps. Here.

Basic features : What do we really need? Here.

Talking about OS : What are they? Here.

Battery and activating your phone. Here.

Truth behind locked or unlocked phone. Here.

GSM vs CDMA : The truth. Here.

1G + 2G + 3G = What is it? Here.